So I went to get an oil change today... The guy who owns the shop knows my mom, but that's really besides the point. The last time I went to get my oil change I invited him to Saddleback Church's Easter service. I have no idea if he went but I invited him. Both last time and this time I've talked with him about my faith and Christians and religion and war, etc.... There was something that he said that made me so sad and reminded me that that's what the world must think. OH! I remember! It was something along the lines of "Look at history. Nothing has changed and it won't change. There's nothing that you can do to change the world." or something along that nature. I told him that I believe that it can change with LOVE.
It's strange how we got on the topic to begin with. I was reading The Irresistible Revolution and he asked me if I was reading my bible. I told him no and showed him the book I was reading. He asked me what it was about and I told him that it's about this guy who followed Jesus and it messed up his life and that's how our conversation got started.
Anyways, as I was leaving he asked me to let him know how the story ends. I'm getting him a copy of The Irresistible Revolution for him to read himself.
I love how God does that. I prayed this morning that God would rearrange my schedule and he did. I was planning on getting an oil change but I certainly wasn't planning on staying for a good half hour to talk to this guy. Thanks God.
tunes: Open Wide.Future of Forestry
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
posted by
5:23 PM
tagged: oil changes, The Irresistible Revolution
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
quotes from tIR pt2
"God comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable... In my suburban comfort, I increasingly felt disturbed by God... my discomfort arose not from a cynical judgmentalism but from a longing for something more."
"The more I read the Scriptures, the more uncertain I became about my plans for the future, or even of the wisdom of making plans in the first place."
"People always want to define you by what you do. I want to be a lover of God and people... I was convinced that what we do is not really as important as who we are."
"Concern yourself with your vocation, and that is to be lovers of Jesus." - Mother Teresa
"It made sense to be single, and many of the people I had grown to admire had lived beautiful lives of singleness. And their lives would have been different had they been married (not bad, just different)."
"It was as if every good Christian should marry, and yet the more I looked at good Christians thoughout history, the less sure I was about that... Somehow I had missed the fact that singleness was a beautiful means of discipleship and that church history is filled with folks who followed God as singles - Jesus for one; many of the disciples and martyrs... What would Mother Teresa's life looked like had she been married?"
"I was attracted to God as lover. And then I began to experience God as lover, and quickly I became attracted to the Lover... Life is a romance with the divine."
"We can live without sex, but we cannot live without love, and God is love." - some Catholic monk
"I had come to see God as lover and provider and to desire a life of singleness and poverty."
"We've taken the blood at the foot of the cross and turned it into Kool-Aid." - Cornell West
"Totemism: the human tendancy to form our conception of God in our own image... take the values and traditions that we most admire about ourselves and project them onto a totem. Eventually, we stand in awe of that totem and end up worshiping an incarnation of the things we love about ourselves."
"God created us in his image, and we decided to return the favor." - George Bernard Shaw
"Buddy Jesus has become a white American resembling Mr. Rogers... I had grown very weary of this Jesus. THERE IS ANOTHER JESUS!... deconstruct the American totem, to take him (Jesus) off the totem pole we nailed him to."
"We can admire and worship Jesus without doing what he did. We can applaud what he preached and stood for without caring about the same things. We can adore his cross without taking up ours. I had come to see that the great tragedy in the church is not that rich Christians do not care about the poor but that rich Christians do not know the poor. When the worlds of poverty and wealth collide, the resulting powerful fusion can change the world."
"I long for the Calcutta slums (or whatever your Calcutta slums are) to meet the Chicago suburbs (or your rich community) and for each to see God's image in the other."
"I truly believe that when the poor meet the rich, riches will have no meaning. And when the rich meet the poor, we will see poverty come to an end."
tunes: God of Justice (We Must Go).Tim Hughes
posted by
11:28 AM
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
awesome quotes...
...from the Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne
"It's among the wealthy that we can find the most terrible poverty of all - loneliness."
"... assured me that the Gospels were not just for Mother Teresa and St. Francis, and that the Sermon on the Mount is as meaningful today as it was two thousand years ago."
"You guys are all into that born again thing, which is great. We do need to be born again, since Jesus said that to a guy named Nicodemus. But if you tell me I have to be born again to enter the kingdom of God, I can tell you that you have to sell everything you have and give it to the poor, because Jesus said that to one guy too...But I guess that's why God invented highlighters, so we can highlight the things we like and ignore the rest."
"Jesus never says to the poor, 'Come find the church', but he says to those of us in the church, 'Go into the world and find the poor, hungry, homeless, imprisoned...I couldn't help but wonder if we had highlighted only some of the verses in our Bibles... I saw all of the thousands of people who were becoming believers and it brought me great joy. And yet I could not help but wonder with Dorthy Day, 'Have we even begun to be Christians?'"
"...ultimatly we will be seperated into two groups of people, sheep and goats, and the criteria will be how we cared for the poor, hungry, imprisoned, naked masses... will we be with the sheep?"
rich young ruler (found in Matt. 19:16-30): "He tells this highly educated and devoutly religious young man that he lacks o ne thing: giving up everything he owns to give to the poor." The mans face sinks as he walks away. "Jesus doesn't run after the man he simply lets the man choose his wealth...The great temptation is to compromise the cost of discipleship in order to draw a large crowd. We do not want to see anyone walk away from Jesus because of the discomfort of his cross...Jesus doesn't exclude rich people; he just lets them know their rebirth will cost them everything they have."
"Rather than accumilating stuff for oneself, followers of Jesus abandon everything, trusting God alone for providence."
"...the temptation we face is to compromise the cost of discipleship, and in the process, the Christian identity can get lost."
"And yet we can end up merely cheapening the very thingwe want folks to experience."
"Jesus warns people of the cost of discipleship... their biological families, their pocessions, even their lives... Jesus allows people to walk away."
"...the cross is not always seeker sensitive. It is not comfortable. But it is the cornerstone of our faith and I fear that when we remove the cross we remove the central symbol of the nonviolence and grace of our Lover. If we remove the cross we are in danger of promoting cheap grace. Perhaphs it should make us uncomfortable. After all, it wasn't so comfy to get nailed to it."
posted by
12:27 PM
Sunday, May 4, 2008
God is so F* awesome!!!!
HOLY CRAP! words cannot describe how great God is! I've been struggling with raising finances to go to Europe for a couple weeks this summer with my church recently. I keep hearing all these awesome stories about how people struggle the whole way through and at the very end an anonymous donation shows up. Well, I am officially one of those people!!!!!!! I "randomly" decided to check the PEACE website today just to check on my funds and someone anonymously donated $1500 to my account!!!! My hands are shaking so much right now. WOW! I knew God wanted to me to go on this trip but now I KNOW that God wants me to go on this trip. THANK YOU GOD!!!!
Now I just need $1000 more....
posted by
12:57 PM