Saturday, January 26, 2008

skid row pt.2

My heart is sooo full I don't know what to do!

I just got home from Set Free Church in Skid Row, from the most amazing morning ever!

Set Free Church holds a women's conference every 2 months and last time I went to visit, Rhonda, the pastor's wife, asked if we would come out. Well, God is awesome and let me and 2 friends come out for the morning. When we arrived we were greeted with hugs and smiles - I was home! :) I talked to Rhonda and told her that we were there for them. 

The morning started out with worship from this amazing family from New Zealand (I think?? I can't remember anymore). After the worship, there was a time of testimonies; it's so awesome to hear how God is working in other people's lives. After the testimonies was a beautiful and powerful message of hope and a challenge to get ready for the bridegroom because He's coming! I spent the morning sitting with a sister in Christ, Tina. I met her the first time I went out to Skid Row and it was such a blessing to see her again. God is doing amazing things in her life and in her family. I can't wait to hear what else God is going to do. 

Anyways, I could write and write and write about all of the people that I've come in contact with in the 3 times that I've gone up but I don't even know how to put the stories into words. All I know is that my heart is so filled right now! God is sooo good! Going up and serving in Skid Row does something to me - it awakens my heart, it makes me want to be homeless too! All I want to do is be in community with these people all day long! This is where Jesus is and I want to be where Jesus is. 

I close my eyes and I see all of their beautiful faces. They KNOW the grace of God. They KNOW what it means to be forgiven. They KNOW Jesus and it's beautiful.

James 2:5... "Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?"

music: You Said  Darlene Zschech & Hillsong

Friday, January 25, 2008

beautiful words

wounded and forsaken

i was shattered by the fall
broken and forgotten
feeling lost and all alone
summoned by the King
into the Master's courts
lifted by the Savior
and cradled in His arms

i was carried to the table
seated where i don't belong
carried to the table
swept away by His love
and i don't see my brokenness anymore
when i'm seated at the table of the Lord
i'm carried to the table
the table of the Lord

fighting thoughts of fear
and wondering why He called my name
and i good enough to share this cup
this world has left me lame
even in my weakness
the Savior called my name
in His holy presence
i'm healed and unashamed

i'm carried to the table
seated where i don't belong
i'm carried to the table
swept away by His love
and i don't see my brokenness anymore
when i'm seated at the table of the Lord
i'm carried to the table
the table of the Lord

you carried me my God
you carried me
you carried me my God
you carried me....

these are beautiful words that are saturated in truth. sometimes God has to carry us to His table because we don't think that we're good enough. He's made us good enough!!! 

God has to fight through all the lies that the devil has us believing to bring us where we belong.
I'm so thankful that God doesn't give up and that he has the stamina of a mighty army to come and gather me up out of my brokenness and place me on firm ground.

God let me see myself like you see me.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

skid row...

(not the band) my home. 

i went to LA this past weekend with some people from church for an experiment of sorts. no cell phone, no money, no packing, just the clothes on our back and the stuff that was provided for us. we slept on the floor of the church on skid row and lived in community for 48 hours. when you've tasted what REAL community is supposed to be (Acts 2:42-47)  it's unpleasant to come back to life as i know it. 

while i was there in LA i met this guy. (just thinking about him makes me tear up). when i met him he was demon possessed and his heart was bitter. i talked to him for at least 2 hours and his whole demeanor was different at the end. he's been through more stuff then most people could imagine. i just keep praying the he seeks God and God reveals himself to this guy. i know that he would do amazing things for God if that was his focus. all i want to do is hold him and tell him that God loves him sooooo much! talk about my heart feeling broken!

this experience really makes me feel discontent with my life. i feel like i want to push all the walls down that are holding me in and run for my life, i just don't know in what direction. 

God what do i do with this heart that you've given me?

Saturday, January 5, 2008


i never knew so much snot could come out of a person. 

my nose hurts. :(